Heckled Jekyll


This 70’s 16mm schlocker is both a throwback to the I Was A Teenage…monster movies of the 50’s and a prototype for the nerd revenge movies that flourished in the 80s…with a twist of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde. Science geek Vernon Potts (Pat Cardi, who looks like a cross between Mike Nesmith and one of the Hanson Brothers)…


…is tired of being hassled by bullies and hateful teachers. When his latest chemistry experiment turns his cute li’l guinea pig Mr. Mumps into a vicious critter, it’s not long before he takes a taste himself and commences kicking jock and faculty ass. Apparently there was no money in the budget for monster makeup…So they just turned off the lights, combed his hair over his face and had him walk like Lon Chaney Jr.’s version of the Mummy. If you dig ginger chicks, check it out for Rosie Holotik (Don’t Look In the Basement). She’s a cutie…and plays the only character who’s kind to the beleagured geek. I wish I’d had a babe like her to star in the nerd-rage fueled home video camera horror flicks I made as a teen…but then if I’d had a girl like her I would’ve probably forgotten all about movies…


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